
NRO Supports National Socialism

But if it was still okay to have prayer in school, the Pledge of Allegiance, expulsions, non-self-esteem boosting curricula and the rest, a conservative would say, 'Don't touch the public schools. They're working just fine. Let's give them everything they need.

In other words, "conservatives" (of the National Review variety) believe that theft by the state is dandy as long as it supports their personal agenda. If an atheist, Buddhist, or Moslem is forced to pray a Christian prayer in school, that's OK with them. If a pacificist is forced to pledge allegiance to a flag (a symbol of militant nationalism), then that's OK too as long as a nominal "conservative" is calling the shots. If a childless couple is forced to pay for schooling the children on others, neocons believe that is just fine and dandy as long as their children are still in the school and they approve of the curriculum. If the curriculum is harsh and punishments are meted out regularly, then that is great, pacificists be damned. In other words, neocons, unlike libertarians, have no ethics.

What conservatives do believe in is hubristic/chauvinistic nationalism (which they misleadingly call patriotism). Because they are convinced (by fantastic historical distortion) of our moral superiority, they can justify wars of aggression by us against others, while condemning agression by one unallied party against another. Neocons look approvingly as their military slaughters thousands of innocent civilians, but scream in horror when their children die in war. Neocons support unconditonally those who serve their interests as they seek to create a unique national identity, which allows us to criticize and devalue/dehumanize non-Americans. Neocons are reviled by immigrants seeking to reach their shores and contaminate their unique and holy character. Neocons have no particular love or respect for Christianity, which preaches peace and fairness, but they embrace it simply because it is the dominant religion in the United States and, therefore, can be used to create our identity, our national myth. Similarly, neocons have no special love for English grammar, but they push English-only laws simply because it is the predominant language.

True libertarians can be distinguished from conservatives by their humility and objectivity, as opposed to the destructive power of pride. Libertarians are for individual "liberty" or, more precisely, as much liberty as is possible that does not infringe on the property or use of/access to that property of/by others:

Don't like English's hundreds of grammatical rules?
Choose Esperanto.

Don't like Christianity?
Try Buddhism.

Does the Catholic church charge too much for a Baptism?
No problem, become an Evangelical.

You don't want to wave the flag or support our troops in genocide?
No problem, you can wave whatever flag you want.

Libertarians (or at least real libertarians who do not support aggressive posturing or closed borders) allow the freedom for true morality and prosperity to exist. Neo-conservatism is the prescription for endless war.

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