
Praise God for G.W. Bush!

Only fools are certain. Scientists and sages only ascribe probabilities to various potential realities based upon theory and evidence.
Obviously some Christians pray to a different god: What Christian sect teaches that God blesses liars (falsely claimed he had hard evidence that Saddam possessed weapons of mass destruction and intended to use them, encouraged others to exaggerate the threat, was planning to attack far before 09-11), war mongers (100,000+ dead Iraqi civilians as a result of the war resulting from a lie), or big-spending thieves. There seems to be a strong correlation between naivete and biblical literalism, but it is a naivete that is definitely inspired by wishful thinking. These simpletons believe in a loving God (who they cannot define) because they want to believe in a loving, nurturing God, not because they have any statistically-significant evidence for his existence. (How many of these individuals actually even understand statistical significance?) They believe that their government is uniquely good and holy and that it has a duty to conquer and oppress other peoples, so as to enlighten them with their truth. Yes, Al Qaida and the religious right in this country have an enormous amount in common. They simply use different tactics in spreading their absolute truth. Of course, their religious truth is not really about Truth, it is about getting on board with their feel-good message.

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