
Currency Value Prediction

The value of the dollar, like all other unbacked (intrinsically worthless) currencies, will continue to fall relative to a basket of commodities and services because the supply of such currencies is dependent on the whims of central banks, whose governing boards being not wholly uninfluenced by their respective federal governments, have a preference for expanding the money supply to make the economy appear to be doing well and the deficit small by inducing spending. This is usually a gradual, but persistent process, which eventually results in the value of unbacked currencies reaching their intrinsic value, i.e., zero. This process is usually very gradual, but it can be very rapid, which is called hyperinflation. Hyperinflation typically happens when governments try to finance previous debt, wars, and generous social programs by printing bills (indirect taxation via inflation), rather than through direct taxation.

To acquire revenue, Republican administrations tend to favor indirect taxation; whereas, Democratic administrations tend to favor direct taxation. Historically, neither Republicans nor Democrats have ever actually produced a net cut in government spending because of the preference of those in power is to increase their power by increasing the size and scope of government. In general, government grows the least and the economy does best when there is gridlock in Washington, resulting from a mixture of Republicans/Democrats in the legislative and executive branches.

Since both US dollars and foreign currencies are inflationary relative to durable commodities, the question becomes which is more inflationary. This is mainly determined by the policies of the central banks of the respective countries, but is also influenced by the extent to which the governments and citizens of those countries are debtors. In other words, how much there is a demand for money. One can think of the banking system as a system that creates and destroys money on demand. They can adjust the demand for money by adjusting the interest rate for a loan. When a loan is taken out, say, to purchase a house, an enormous quantity of money is instantly injected into the economy. This is because only 10% of the money needs to be in the bank as reserves, the rest is simply printed up out of thin air by the federal reserves accounting scheme. As the loan is repaid the money is destroyed again. ->

lowered interest rate / lowered reserve requirement -> increasing demand for loans -> increasing demand for deposits -> higher deposit interest rate -> more bankable deposits -> increasing money supply -> monetary inflation (10x the money supply),
high interest rate -> low bank holdings -> monetary stability

To understand why, consider that Alan Greenspan encouraged a period of enormous inflation in order to avert a recession. He did this by lowering the prime lending rate. Monetary expansion does tend to delay recession, but it only makes the inevitable recession larger and more painful than it would have been had there been no monetary expansion in the first place. Interest rates reached a low of 4.0% in Jun, 2004. When interest rates are lowered this results in almost immediate inflation in the housing market as people rush to finance and re-finance; however, housing is not included in the federal reserve's inflation indices and since this inflation requires several years to trickle down into the rest of the economy, there is a lag in the time the fed responds to the inflation that they created by raising interest rates again. Currently, the rate is at 6.25% and Greenspan will probably continue to raise interest rates for several years.

As rates go up, people stop being able to afford houses and people with variable-rate or interest-only loans can no longer afford the monthly payments on their homes, forcing them to sell. Both the people who stop buying and those who are forced to sell contribute to a depression of housing prices, meaning that people can no longer tap the rising values of their homes to live beyond their means. The US starts to go into recession. Whereas consumers previously were spending beyond their means, they start to save. This backs up inventories and money must be reinvested. This liquidation and reinvestment is expensive, hurting the US economy.

The problem for the dollar is that when banks start collapsing, the federal reserve/government will try to bail them out (creating dollars), rather letting them fail (liquidating dollars). This demonstrates the inevitability of the inflation of intrinsically worthless currencies given the preferences of bureaucrats for delaying the pain of recovery.

That the value of the dollar continues to decline relative to a basket of foreign unpegged currencies is then more a function of how government chooses to finance its profligate spending and the rate of that spending. Below is a chart that gives general recommendations of whether to buy or sell dollars against a diversified basket of foreign unpegged currencies:

Legislative Executive Greenspan Thinks Economy Is Sell Dollars?
Republican Republican Weak STRONG SELL
Republican Democratic Weak HOLD
Democratic Republican Weak BUY
Democratic Democratic Weak SELL
Republican Republican Strong HOLD
Republican Democratic Strong BUY
Democratic Republican Strong STRONG BUY
Democratic Democratic Strong


Propaganda Preparations Are Underway Against Iran

Predictably, the neocrazies are running their propaganda machines overtime against the soverign democracy of Iran. Let us look at why an attack against Iraq would be immoral and a bad idea:

  1. Like Iraq and Afghanistan, Iran has never attacked the US, nor threatened to do so. Nor has Iran had a history of aggression since the Iran-Iraq war was initiated by Iraq. Attacking would violate every international convention in existence. The US would again be an illegal aggressor. Would the rest of the world continue to sit idly buy as we villify innocent nations to pillage their resources, set up puppet regimes, and torture their citizens?
  2. After the US illegally attacked Iraq to steal its oil and place a puppet regime in place and canceled foreign contracts of governments that invested in Iraq, China got some sense and realized that the US neocons are the primary threat to world peace and increased trading with Iran. Iran, being flush with cash from the high prices of crude resulting from the US invasion of Iraq was quickly able to boost their defensive military capability.Such Chinese-Iranian trade has resulted in the development of a pipeline, an automotive factory, and upgraded missile systems. The Chinese, not wishing this petroleum resource to also be stolen by the mercantilist neocons, have also made statements suggesting that they would defend Iran if Iran were also attacked by the oil/empire-thirsty neocons.
  3. Like Iraq, Iran could be conquered quickly at the cost of tens of thousands of Iranian civilian casualties, especially if the neocrazies choose to use nukes, but holding Iran would be even more difficult and expensive. This would require financial and troop resources the US simply could not muster.
  4. The US military is already over-stretched and our economy in ruins (high inflation, sky-rocketing oil prices, increasing personal and national debt) and few are foolish enough to sign up now for Bush's glory. As in Vietnam, a military draft for this highly illegal power grab would result in very large rates of fragging, suicide, drug use, and dissertion.
  5. The price of oil would sky rocket even more, since the military would consume more, Iran would destroy much of it, and extraction resources would be in disrepair, and frequently sabotaged.
  6. Would the Chinese continue to finance our economy after the neocon empiricists screw them once again?
  7. Terrorism would increase once again as it would become more clear that the "war on terror" is a cultural war against Islam, not a war on terror per se.
Clearly, if we were to "win" a war against Iran, we would lose once again: morally, financially, and in terms of personal security and liberty.


Iran is not a real democracy?

The neocons are going to try their same trick again with Iran:
  1. Create sham evidence, hearsay, and biased defamation against a smaller nation via your thralls in the media: Fox, Clear Channel, ....
  2. Give your thralls favors such as special access to stories and FCC protection.
  3. Persist in the lies until the generally apathetic and incurious public starts to believe you.
  4. Set up sham investigators (Chalabi) and reporters to villify your victim whom you agree to install into power as a puppet governor after a sham election.
  5. Defame and question the motives of those who question your evidence or rush to war. (Don't forget to impl that they are homosexuals with secret sinister agendas.)
  6. Retire to your ranch and enjoy a while you claim that you are struggling and praying to do the right thing.
  7. Claim to be a man of peace, but announce with great feigned gravitas that you have no choice but to attack or the US will almost certainly be nuked into the ground (by the nonexistent weapons of mass destrucion), attacked by biological weapons, or sinister drones.
  8. Bomb the hell out of the country's military and civilian infrastructure.
  9. Do not apologize for civilian casualties.
  10. Invade and declare victory.
  11. Don't forget the photo ops with the few smiling imported dissidents who are happy to share power in the new government.
  12. Declare victory.
  13. Install your puppet dictator and declare martial law.
  14. Distribute lucrative security and reconstruction contracts to those who funded your election campaign. (Haliburton,...)
  15. Hold sham elections in which your candidate is the only one who can possibly win because the other known candidates have been detained.
  16. Construct a large permanent military base and consulate.
  17. Install various propaganda outlets in the newly-conquered country.
  18. Call terrorists any who take up arms to oppose your blatant invasion and theft.
  19. Leave when the puppet regime appears to be pliant and self-sufficient.
It is funny that the neocons cannot claim that Iran is not democracy, so they are saying it is not a real democracy, while failing to define how their form of democracy is any less vibrant than our own. What a bunch of hypocritical, belligerent, shameless, psychopaths the neocon lackeys are!
Iran is accused of trying to acquire nuclear weapons without any supporting evidence. The irony is that it would be crazy for Iran not to try to either acquire nuclear weapons or try to hide under the nuclear umbrella of another nation given that our regime has clearly demonstrated its willingness to attack any nation with a thin veil of sham evidence. Who is stupid enough to fall for the same scam thrice?

May the middle east have its nuclear empire to counter the evil US empire under which we are either subjects or lackeys.