
What Are We to Make of the Trade Deficit?

This article convincingly argues that a trade deficit like a personal deficit is not necessarily bad. The deficit may in fact result from investors eager to lend to a rapidly developing economy. This is a good thing that helps the developing economy develop even faster than if there existed no trade deficit because a lot of this consumption is for modern tooling, which improves manufacturing efficiency. However, a trade deficit may also result from government consumption, which is seldom for investment and more often for financing aggressive wars (such as the War to Exploit Iraq).

In summary, one should not be overly concerned about a trade deficit per se, but rather, how that money is used. Government will typically squander the funds to finance its expanding empire; whereas, the private sector will tend to invest the funds in improving productivity. Government is like a financially mismanaged, inefficient, and thoroughly corrupt business that never fears bankruptcy because it makes the laws about how much it will steal from the productive economy.


Right to Life is Worthless Without the Right to Die

Here is my bill of euthanasia rights:
  1. Every individual capable of articulating their desire has complete control of their property to the extent that the excercise of their right does not infringe upon the rights of others. An individual's physical body is one's most intrinsic possession; therefore, every individual may choose to destroy their body without exception.
  2. The right to assist in suicide is not limited to the terminally ill or those in chronic pain. All individuals have this right at any time.
  3. No individual can assist in a suicide, without explicit permission to do so from the individual or, when the individual is inarticulate, then it must defer to the wishes of the most immediate family provided that there is not evidence indicating that the immediate family does not have the best interests of the incapacitated individual in mind.
  4. If an individual is incapable of expressing a desire, then one only needs to ask who is paying to keep the individual alive and to what contracts they are bound; except to the extent that society has a duty to decrease suffering of inarticulate individuals.
  5. No individual, including medical practioners, can be forced against their will to provide any service; therefore, any efforts to actively support another's life cannot be mandated by the courts. No support is required if sufficient payment is not met.


The State as a Parasite

Statists (both establishment Democrats and Republicans) argue about how to maximize government revenue. Keynes taught them that the revenue maximizing level of taxation must be less than 100% (because their host would not survive), but must also be greater than 0% (at which there would be no revenue). This is natural greed. What is less comprehensible is the number of private-sector dupes who offer their suggestions on how the State can maximize the pillage from the productive (non-government) economy.

To the various levels of government, the American people (revenue source) are Holsteins from which the quantity of milk extracted is maximized, but this is not an issue with which a free people in pursuit of happiness should concern themselves. What should concern free people, is how that extraction effects their pursuit of happiness. JFK had it precisely backwards: "Do not ask what you can do for your country (translation: the Federal Government), ask what your government has done for you lately, and whether it is worth the expense. Nor should a free people concern themselves with maximizing the amount of territory over which the host can extract the revenue on which is thrives.

The American people should care about lower tax rates for themselves (for the obvious direct benefit), lower tax rates for corporations (because of the benefit to the economy (lower prices, and higher productive employment)), and lower total tax revenue because that may contribute to less government (The government can survive for long periods by deficit spending, which results in monetary inflation.), which is a parasite concerned only with its own survival and propagation. The State cares about it's host, "the people", only indirectly and in so much as the death of its host would mean the death of itself.

Yes, I realize that a society that is not in a semi-symbiotic relationship with a parasite (government) is more susceptible to infection by other parasites (invasion) because the existing parasite will jealously guard its host; however, the people should realize that such infection may be less detrimental to the host (the people) than the original infection, and the possibilty of reducing or eliminating all parasites (anarchy) should always be kept in mind as an ideal.